Info & Hard Facts


The Open Knowledge Foundation Germany is a non-profit organization that advocates open knowledge, open data, transparency, and civil participation. After starting in 2012 we have successfully completed many projects that led to open data applications and foster access to open knowledge in our society.

We are preparing a diverse program filled with keynotes, project pitches, barcamps and workshops for data enthusiasts, political activists, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs and members of public administrations.

Hard facts

The Datensummit will take place on Friday the 28th and Saturday the 29th of April in Berlin.

Each day has its unique focus which will be reflected by two distinct venues. On the first day the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) will host us, fostering interdisciplinary exchange with politicians, public administrations and many international speakers attending. The second day will offer the opportunity to exchange ideas, develop and plan new open data projects in barcamps and workshops.

The registration has been opened and only allows for 200 participants. Therefore, early registration is recommended, especially since there will be no participation fee. We have the possibility to reimburse travel costs up to 100 Euros per person – given that you travel inside of Germany. If you wish to make use of this, please contact us via e-mail to clarify the details.

No Techie? No Problem!

Software, data visualizations or platforms are not an end in itself. Data can help understand and overcome many societal challenges, such as environmental pollution, traffic congestion or the outcome of political elections.

Using data for political and social matters, does not require an IT degree. A lot can be done with really simple measures. For example how to find and prepare data to tell a story, can be learned on site in our workshops or the barcamp.

zwei Hunde, die Tischtennis spielen

Who we are

zwei Hunde, die Tischtennis spielen

The festival is organized by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany. Over the past five years we have built a large community, which we want to unite at the Datensummit. In particular, the communities involved with Datenschule and Code for Germany.

Datenschule helps non-profit organizations, civil rights defenders and activists to understand and use data and technology effectively to increase their impact on societal challenges. Code for Germany brings together developers, designers and those interested in open data in 25 local groups across Germany - so called OK Labs. There engaged citizens voluntarily work on tools to improve society.

The festival is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.

Schirmherrschaft: Alexander Dobrindt, Bundesminister für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur MdB nutzt statt den üblichen externen Dienstleistern die datenschutzfreundlichere Technologie von Matomo, um cookiefrei statistische Auswertungen der Seitennutzung zu erhalten. Wenn sie dies nicht wollen, klicken Sie bitte hier und entfernen Sie den Haken. Näheres in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.